PGCPS Professional development session in DC

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STEM Camp: PGCPS Teachers Gear Up with Robots and Drones

The STAMP (Science, Technology, Aerospace, Mathematics) camp for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) in Maryland was an exciting experience for rising 5th graders this summer! The theme for this year’s STEM camp, “Lighting the Way,” inspired students to shine brightly and pursue their dreams. In preparation, EDforTech staffers Joe Lively and Chanis Torres led a dynamic and interactive training session on Robotics and Drones.

A Day of Fun: Robotics and Drone Teacher Training

On June 25th, 2024 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, twenty teachers attended a full-day program designed to help make this year’s STEM camp a transformative experience for students. By the end of the session, the teachers had hands-on experience with the Codey Rocky robot and Airblock drone. They became familiar with the comprehensive curriculum which was enhanced specifically for PGCPS STAMP camp.

Illuminating Math with Codey Rocky

The day began with a focus on Codey Rocky, an educational, programmable robot. While the new teachers seemed hesitant at first, soon they were all writing code. One standout activity was the “Square Dance,” where teachers coded their robot to move in specific patterns using fractions and geometry, demonstrating the practical applications of math in a fun and engaging way.

Soaring High with Airblock Drones

After a productive morning, the focus shifted to drones. The Airblock drones are perfect for exposing students to the basics of aerodynamics, engineering, and programming. Teachers experienced first hand piloting in air and then as a hovercraft on land. The session culminated in an exhilarating drone race where teachers demonstrated their ability to control their drone. One participant even programmed their drone to complete the race by itself!

Heliophysics in Action

Teacher presents the codey rocky curriculum

Lastly, teachers walked through the comprehensive, easy-to-follow lessons that they will use during camp sessions. Modifications to the EDforTech curriculum were made in collaboration with select teachers. They aligned with a heliophysics theme, inspired by NASA’s celebration event: Heliophysics Big Year. This celebration, from October 14th 2023 to December 24th 2024, focuses on the Sun’s influence on Earth and the solar system. 

Recent events such as solar storms and the solar eclipse make this theme incredibly relevant and timely. These natural phenomena have sparked widespread interest and curiosity about the Sun’s impact on Earth. At camp, the concepts not only captivates students’ imaginations, but also connects their learning to real-world occurrences.

The STEM camp at PGCPS began in 2019. It is organized by PGCPS ESSA & Title I Department and partners with NASA, EDforTech, and other educational suppliers. The students enjoy free tuition which includes transportation, meals, field trips, guest speakers, and supplies. 

The Impact of STEM Camps

As we reflect back on the STAMP camps we have assisted with for several years, we are excited about the positive impact it has had on both teachers and students. Teachers report that the STEM Training for Teachers sessions, robotics, STEM camp supplies, and curriculum lessons were instrumental in the camp’s success. Additionally, the lessons are sparking student engagement in STEM and coding. The dedicated teachers and ESSA & Title I Department camp organizers went above and beyond to create an unforgettable experience for the students. The teachers involved are now more confident than ever in bringing STEM into their classrooms.

Are you’re interested in learning how EDforTech programs can benefit your school or STEM camp? Contact us today to see how we can support your mission to provide exceptional STEM education!

STEM Plan Template

Create a Clear Path for STEM Success

Do you have everything you need to build a strong, unified STEM program in your district? From setting goals to finding funding and supporting teachers, this template helps you organize all the pieces to give every student a chance to succeed in STEM.